RBSE Pre Board 10th & 12th Time Table 2025 | 10वीं व 12वीं बाेर्ड टाइम टेबल RBSE 10th Board Previous Exam Date Sheet 2025 Get Time Table of class 10th Pre Board Exam of Rajasthan Board here on its official website.
RBSE Pre Board 10th & 12th Time Table 2025 | 10वीं व 12वीं बोर्ड टाइम टेबल
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In order to bring the best result in the main examination from Class IX to XII, per-annual and per-board examinations of Class IX-11 are being conducted before the annual examinations by the Public Education Office. For this, the operational office has issued a time table. As per the time table issued by the Commissioner public teaching, class IX and X examinations will commence from 15th January and Class XI and XII examinations from 13th January. The examinations will run till 25th January. By 29th January, all students will be given a practice to rectify the mistakes made by showing subject-wise booklets. Teachers would conduct the exercise from 31st January to 10th February.
उप निदेशक माध्यमिक शिक्षा बीकानेर ने इसके लिए बाेर्ड परीक्षाएं समय सारिणी जारी कर दी है

The Rajasthan board has released a datasheet of Class X and XII. You can see this datasheet by clicking on the direct link below. Rajasthan Board X (Rajasthan Board 10th Time Table 2025) and Class XII (Rajasthan Board 12th Time Table 2025) exams are going to be held in March 2025.
Rajasthan Board secondary examinations to be conducted from 12th March 2025 these examinations will end on 24th March 2020. All these exams will start from 8.30 am and end at 11.45 am. The senior secondary examinations will commence on March 5, 2020 and end on April 3, 2020. The first examination of the secondary class will be held on 12th March. This will be followed by a Hindi examination on March 14. The examination of vocational subjects will be held on 24th March.
Secondary Class for Higher Secondary Class Date Wise First Innings SECOND Innings SECOND Innings 9 am to 12:15 pm from 1 pm to 4:15 pm
03.02.20 Monday English Compulsory Philosophy English
04.02.20 Tuesday Hindi Compulsory Psychology Hindi
05.02.20 Wednesday Hindi/2000 Urdu/Urdu Sindhi/Sindhi Gujarati English Literature/Literature typing mathematics Punjabi/Punjabi Rajasthani Sahitya Script (Hindi)
06.02.20 Thursday Geography/Getty Images Profession Studies Sanskrit Literature Social Sciences, RBSE Pre Board 10th & 12th Time Table 2025
07.02.20 Friday History/History Agrochemistry Public Administration 3rd Language (Sanskrit) /Chemistry / Chemistry Urdu/Urdu Gujarati/Gujarati Sindhi
08.02.20 Saturday Economics/Getty Images Agricultural Biology Throat Music/Music Instrumental Music Science /Biology
10.02.20 Monday Mathematics RBSE Pre Board 10th & 12th Time Table 2025
11.02.20 Tuesday Political Science/Getty Images Krishi Vigyan Home Science
12.02.20 Wednesday Sociology/Social Science Accountancy Information Technology /physics and programming
Thank you for sharing the RBSE Pre Board Time Table for 10th and 12th! This information is really helpful for us students to plan our study schedules effectively. Looking forward to the results!
Thank you for sharing the time table for the 10th and 12th board exams! It’s helpful to have all the important dates in one place. Looking forward to preparing with this schedule!
Thank you for sharing the RBSE Pre Board timetable for 10th and 12th! It’s really helpful to have all the information in one place as we prepare for the exams. Looking forward to the results!